Noodle and the No Bones Day

a toddler looking at the book Noodle and the No Bones Day, a childrens book about Noodle the Pug

Noodle the Pug captured the attention and imagination of followers across the world with his daily Tik Tok videos. People looked forward to his videos signaling whether their own days would be ‘bones’ (meaning productive and able to move around) or ‘no bones days’ which meant permission to slow down and take care without expecting too much from ourselves. We all needed the message to slow down amidst the chaos and honor our own ‘no bones days.’

But late last year in December, 14 year old Noodle passed away in his owner Jonathan Graziano’s arms. All pet owners know how much pets impact on our own lives, but he never could have anticipated the impact that Noodle would have on so many people of all ages. The internet collectively mourned for Noodle the pug, a dog they had never met.

Once it became apparent that Noodle was a full blown cultural phenomenon, Jonathan Graziano wrote the children’s book Noodle and the No Bones Day, dramatizing the pug’s ‘no bones day’ where Jonathan was trying to figure out what Noodle needed when he fell back in his bed for the first time.

If you’re someone who tuned in or had younger kiddos who looked forward to watching Noodle’s regular TikTok videos, the disruption is routine and grief from afar is valid and real. Honor where you’re at and seek out others who may be experiencing similar feelings. Both Noodle and the No Bones Day and Sassie’s New Home are exploring big emotions concerning our beloved pets. Our pets teach us so much about life, mental health and self-care. Our animals are so precious to us partially because they are not with us for very long.

At Sassie’s New Home, we were also struck by the news and felt a sense of kinship with Jonathan Graziano. While the initial shock and news headlines have moved on, as pet owners the hole does not fade for us. If your child is asking questions about the loss of Noodle or another pet, we have a resource list right here.

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